All the characters belong to an unnamed semi-rural mofussil town in West Bengal, India. The younger characters live in a hostel of a boarding school. The teachers of the school are rarely seen but the headmaster is sometimes depicted. The superintendent and the staff of the hostel are often picturized. All of the characters have whimsical nicknames that add to the amusement of the readers.
Nonte -
Nonte is immediately distinguishable 16 year old boy, wearing orange shirt, from Phonte due to his longer hair and a tuft of hair sticking out from the back of his head. Apart from that, in terms of character development, both characters are similar in appearance and mannerisms.
Fonte -
Phonte is a 15 year old boy, wearing a blue shirt, shorter crew-cut hair. He is similar to Nonte in physical appearance though neither are related to each other. They seem to think alike as well.
Keltuda -
Keltuda is a 19 year old tall boy, very greedy, thief, and a liar , a senior bully in Nonte and Phonte's class. He's the only student who wears trousers instead of shorts probably on account of his advanced years. In one comic strip the reader learns that he has failed the class six times and the governing body of the school wants to get rid of him. He is shown variously as having curly hair and a stubby nose and is a bit taller and stronger than Nonte and Phonte. Often he threatens and coaxes them into doing work for him but invariably gets busted. He also rats on the other students to curry favor with the superintendent and is in general quite boastful.
He is the only student who is said to be in the list of good students of Superintendent and is often insulted by the Superintendent sir.For bullying Nonte and Fonte in front of sir,he often says that Nonte and Fonte do not want sir's good health.He often conspires against them and at last he himself gets caught in sir's hands. Although ,there are some stories where they all work together which is very rare and can be found in only two or three stories .
The Superintendent -
The 50 year old hostel superintendent is an obese balding man who loves to eat and discipline his students. He is shown as not being particularly courageous, lazy, and greedy. He definitely enjoys corporal punishment and canes the students often. Usually he is the butt of most pranks. He is always heckled by the students.
1)Nonte fonte Vol 2.pdf
2)Nonte Fonte Vol 3.pdf
3)Nonte fonte Vol 4.pdf
4)Nonte Fonte Vol 10.pdf
Where are the other Volumes